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Republican Challenger Buddy Witherspoon Defeats U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham in Greenville County Republican Straw Poll

May 28, 2008

Republican Challenger Buddy Witherspoon Defeats U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham in Greenville County Republican Straw Poll

For Immediate Release

May 27, 2008

Greenville, SC – Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Buddy Witherspoon defeated U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham in a straw poll that was conducted at the Greenville County Republican Stump Rally over the weekend.

According to Greenville County Republican officials, Buddy Witherspoon clearly won this poll and that it wasn’t even close. Though straw polls are not scientific, they are an indicator of who has momentum amongst those who are participating.

Buddy Witherspoon stated, “I am very pleased to have the support of many Republican activists, not just here in Greenville, but across the entire state. Our campaign has been gaining lots of momentum, and we are in a very good position to win the Republican Primary on June 10th.”

Dan Herren, Witherspoon’s Campaign Manager added, “It’s very disappointing that Senator Graham chose to spend his free time in Arizona over the weekend, instead of taking the opportunity to meet with South Carolinians face to face. Maybe if Senator Graham actually spent his free time in South Carolina, he would do better in the polls amongst the Republican activists and party faithful.”

The South Carolina Republican Primary will be held June 10th 2008.


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